Friday through Sunday my mom and I baked a variety of cookies. Most were family favorites, but we like to try a few new ones every year.
The red and green swirl cookie in the center is a new one. It's a "
Whoville Cookie" that I found on Pinterest.
At the top are our annual spritz tree cookies. We use the recipe that came with my moms (very old) cookie press.
Next to that is the
Chex Reindeer Food. I made a huge batch of this because my husband devours it.
Next is walnut fudge (we just use the recipe on the marshmallow fluff and then add walnuts).
The chocolate circle is a new one. It's a York Peppermint Chip cookie. I'll post the recipe soon.
Next to that is a Peanut Butter Blossom. We make these every year. I'm sure there are a million versions of this recipe floating around.
We also always make that chocolate covered circle. These are peanut butter between Ritz crackers, dipped in chocolate. I prefer to keep mine in the freezer, and eat them frozen. Yum!
We made a crazy amount of Traditional Betty Crocker sugar cookies. The kids helped briefly with these and helped put the sprinkles on most of them. These are my least favorite to make (because they take the most time?), but they are by far everyone's favorite. This recipe is one we've used since I was a child and it comes from the old Betty Crocker cookbooks with the orange cover. I will type up the recipe if anyone is interested, but I couldn't find the same recipe on their website.
What are your traditional Christmas cookies and treats?