Monday, June 27, 2016


This weekend we have a 3 day weekend because Monday is the 4th of July. This weeks theme will be just that - 4th of July/Fireworks.

We did a fun, slightly messy project this morning using toilet paper tubes and paint to create fireworks. I found this project on Happiness is Homemade.

I cut slits 1.5 to 2" long all along one end of a toilet paper tube and bent them back  (it kind of looked like an extra tentacled octopus). 

We had one each for red, white and blue. Actually we had two sets for the four kids to use. Then they dipped each tune in its designated color and created stamps. I showed them to overlap the colors, resulting in a fireworks pattern.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Robot worksheets

Things have been a little extra busy around here so I haven't been updating the blog daily. Yesterday we did Robot Do-A-Dot worksheets from the free downloadable worksheet pack from Homeschool Creations.

Today, we did a 9 piece Robot puzzle from the same set of downloads.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


We never quite got around to a project yesterday, partly because what I had planned was a bit too ambitious for a 2, 3 and 4 year old. Today's project was mostly just using a glue stick for them.

I printed out two pages of 6 different sets of robot parts. The kids picked which body parts they wanted and I cut them out. Then they glued and assembled them into robots. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Frozen super heroes

I saved this extra fun project for today - Sutton's 3rd birthday. Last night I froze two super heroes each per bowl of water. 

Then, this morning we went outside with some cheap, small water guns and squirted the blocks of ice to free the people. Technically some were villians, but I reasoned that they were all enemies of Mr. Freeze. 

The kids had fun, but they were starting to lose patience by the time the people started breaking free. Luckily, once we started getting some free of the ice they wanted to finish the job.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Superhero Worksheets

Today, after reading some Batman books and playing outside for a long time, we did a quick Superhero worksheet before lunch.

You can download a whole Superhero worksheet pack from here for free. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Spiderman handprints

It's finally superhero week! I purposely scheduled this for summer when my summertime daycare kid would be here. It's also Sutton's birthday week and all of the kids are into super heroes. In fact, Sutton will have a PJ Masks birthday cake for her party this weekend.

Today's project was a Spiderman handprint. After stamping each hand red (Lucian's the only child who painted his own hand red), I thought how quickly that had gone. It took much longer to finish the second part though.

After the red handprints were dry, I added white eyes. While the kids ate lunch (and the paint was dry), I added in the webs, and spider with a black sharpie. The kids were quite surprised I turned that red handprint into a spider!

Our Super hero book today was 10 Rules of Being a Superhero by Deb Pilutti. The book is fun, with great illustrations.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Name rockets

We made "rocket ships" today for our last day of space week. 

I cut everything out and wrote the letters. For 3/4 of the kids I mixed them up so they could find them and put them in the correct order. Then they needed to glue them on.

This helped with letter recognition and their glueing skills. I thought the oldest would cut his own squares, but he wanted nothing to do with cutting.  Lucian was able to put the letters in the correct order, however he turned a few sideways.